

I remember one time when I was a young girl (lol duh) and I was with my mom in Makati and she was driving and I was like, "Mommy, can I send the president a letter?" and she answered me and went on about the whole process and stuff.

But I actually forgot why I actually (again) asked her that question until, like, moments ago. After blogging about my previous post, I remembered.
(dramatic italicized effect XD)

It was something about wanting to make the president do something about current issues, I suppose. But as I grew older, I got more knowledgeable about certain things like how the president's too busy (with official works and, you know, other things) to keep everything in order and so it's not really very wise to depend on the president and it's much wiser to let everything go and just be apathetic to whatever's happening to our society cos, let's face it, there's just so much I can do and not a lot of people care anyway so what's the point.

So (I think) I've lived years of indifference towards criminal activities and rotten politics. I'm not saying that I care a whole lot about these cos that would make me a hypocrite and that's not very nice. It's just that I'm really really really hoping that the authorities can actually do something about everything, with the Maguindanao massacre, the lost bullets during New Year's, all the road rage, holdap-an and what-not. Seriously, everything.

I guess that's where religion faith comes along. Knowing that there's this almighty God that will keep everything peaceful without you even needing to write Him a letter.

Men may fail and disappoint us but not God.

*tried real hard to find that Bible verse but ended up failing D: must be more familiar with my bible verses!*

It's just sad how people are given this chance to actually have the ability to do something about everything and yet, not that I'm blaming and condemning them, they still
don't/can't/aren't able to do it. I completely understand how it's difficult and how there's so many other things to do and how there's so much damage control to be done and how the nation's salvation can so not be achieved in just a snap and etc.
But still. I had hopes.

So I actually understand the madlang people (yes, got it from Showtime!) out there who supports a political candidate all through-out the campaign then immediately condemns the said person when he gets the position yet forgets his campaign speech and fails to solve everyone's problems. I find the attitude rather irrational but I can't blame these people for believing in someone they thought was actually trust-worthy and giving him their votes so that he could one day make their lives better.
*I won't give examples. I hate giving examples :S*

I've got to stop here. I have so much going on in my mind right now like seriously I mean it. This post lacks so much organization and punctuation and it's full of run-on sentences but hey I'm just blogging (well, not just just blogging but just blogging I think you get it) and I'm getting off-track now so must stop.

You know that feeling when you're writing about something you're so passionate feel so much about and then you start tearing up. It happened. Hohoho.


May God bless you, always :)


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