So, before blabbering about our delightful time in the airport, I'll talk about prom.
MY FEET DIED. Stupid peep-toes (though they WERE really really cute)
Prom was fun. If it was more or less fun than expected, I can't really tell. It was fun, that's about it. I guess cos I've been thinking of our airport escapade afterwards the whole time.
I love the airport. Love how it makes me feel. It makes me feel happy. Cos I know that I'm going to be with someone I love whenever I go there. Either I'm going home or I'm fetching someone who's visiting me. I like it. I like the feeling.
So, PIJA (Pat, Ivana, Jesslyn, Ankeeta) plus Cindy and Kikita and Vanchi went to the airport after prom. But not really directly after prom. We went back first to revive our dead feet. Freshened up and finished packing. So we were done around 1am? Then off we went.
Had a meal at McD @ T3. Then stayed on the seats beside it to nap. Everyone slept and, as usual, I camwhored. Photos are with Vanchi, in her sexy professional DSLR. Oh, we watched Paranormal Activity first but we all got bored and I guess we were all so tired so, yeah.
Woke up everyone around 5:30 for Buni, Wongso and CePe to check in cos their flight's at 7. We went back to T2 and stayed at Starbucks. My sayangs stayed with us for a while in Starbucks after checking in but left after some time. So there were goodbye hugs and b-byes. I hate saying goodbye.
Watched Glee with Ankee while Vanchi and Kikita were sleeping then took a nap when Ankee's laptop died. So basically that was the only nap I had so far. My sleeping habits and body clock are now totally screwed up.
Went to check in with Nica around 8 something. Had problems checking in cos I didn't have my dad's credit card and passport photocopies. The check-in guy said, "Okay then, fly tomorrow." Turned out to be a joke but it was so not joke-ish when he said it. Must learn how to deliver punchlines, can? But everything was fine soon after cos the man in charge solved the problem. Thanks, man-in-charge.
Too lazy to go on. I guess you know what happened next.

Ankee and her laptop.

Kikita and Vanchi sleeping.

The pretty girl, camwhoring.
I've been home for more than 12 hours and I still have some habits I got from living in Oldham. Like, I push my bathroom faucet when it's supposed to be twisted and turned.
I got home late last night 'cause my parents took me and my brothers straight to Duty Free from the airport 'cause they're we're going shopping. So I got back late last night, had a quick tour thanks to Sam (cos our house got, like, renovated and so almost everything's new to me)
I cleaned and tidied up my room once I got in. I wiped my desk and close like crazy. Again, something I got from Oldham Hall because of all those quarterly Spring Cleaning and my once in a blue moon personal cleaning. But, wag ka, when I actually clean my room (though it's not very often...) I do CLEAN it. Like, CLEAN CLEAN it. Like, scrub scrub wipe wipe disinfect with alcohol CLEAN. HOHOHOHO.
I cried during take-off yesterday. I guess I was just overwhelmed.
I was sad; I'm starting to miss my friends and I'm sad that I'm not going to see them for almost 2 months and I'll really miss them alot cos I've been so used to those suckers.
I was happy; I'm so excited to go home after having been away for almost a year.
I was pissed; it's been a really rough week with all the time pressure on packing and doing last-minute things and I had a problem checking in because I didn't have the photocopy of my dad's credit card and I thought I'd be late for my flight cos I was still outside the gate when I heard the PA say "Last call for flight PR502".
I was grateful; cos in the end, God made a way when there seemed to be no way. He was there with me in everything. He got rid of my internal turmoils and all the stress and pressure.
He was with me. He'll forever be with me and knowing that made me grateful and happy, and at the same time disappointed with myself for not giving Him my full trust, for worrying about every problem that I've been through this past week.
My God's mighty to save. I'm home now :)
May God bless you, always :)