

Someone left a message on my blog's chatterbox which disturbed me.

Hey Patricia, please be sensitive to your Singaporean friends who respect and love you as a friend and bother to come to read your blog by not actively voicing out how much you dislike Singapore. It really hurts and I bet you would feel damn angry and sad and disappointed if your foreign friends openly and insensitively (though subtly) said they did not really like your country too.

I'm sorry if I ever did blog something terrible about Singapore. I apologize if I ever "openly and insensitively (though subtly) said" that I did not really like Singapore. If I did that, please kindly direct me to that particular blog post because I can't seem to remember or I didn't realize that that certain post would mean that to some people. So, again, I'm sorry. :)

About my Singaporean friends. I love them all and I think they're really great and nice. I wouldn't want to hurt them and make them "feel damn angry and sad and disappointed" in any way. If I ever made them feel that way, I think they'd actually tell me directly. Well, I hope that's what they'd do so that I'd know :)

And to the kind and thoughtful person who wrote that comment and who made me know how she/he feels, thank you :) I just hoped that you actually wrote your name so that I'd know who you are :)

Again, I'm sorry. To clarify things, I don't really like like Singapore very much. BUT I don't not like Singapore too. Like most things, I'm simply okay with it. So sorry if I ever left that horrible and mean impression on other people. :)

I'm so sorry and it's my least desire to hurt, disappoint, mess with or make other people feel angry. Especially my friends. If you're my friend, you'd definitely know that :)


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