

Waiting for May to come; only til then would the long-awaited treatment be offered for service.

I don't wear eyeliner.
It's not my fault I have retarded eyes. T^T
I don't wear make-up (all the time).
I'm not that feminine.

(I don't even know if I am feminine.)

(Heh. Yeah, I'm a girl. But, sorry, I'm not feminine. And, yes, there's a huge diff. And, no, being a girl does not require you to conform to society's expectations and act like how they expect you to act. And, yes, most people do think that way. But, no, I don't. But, yes, a lot of them do. But, no, I am sometimes feminine too. But, no, not that kind. And...)

Sometimes, I talk too much and I think I talk too much
so sometimes I talk little to avoid talking too much
but then I think I talk too little so I talk too much.

This does not make any sense.

Of course it doesn't.
I'm supposed to be doing Econs now.

I'm screwed, super screwed.

I'm jealous, super jealous.
If only I'd stayed then things would've been different.
It would've been you and me, me and you.
It would've been rainbows and butterflies
and sweet sarcastic remarks
and awesome indie film nights
and everything I've always wanted and more.
It could've been you and me.
Could've been us.

But I guess that's just how things are :')


May God bless you, always :)