Typhoon Ondoy came, bringing a month's worth of rain in just 6 hours.
"dumped a total of 455 millimeters of rain in Quezon City alone in 24 hours, compared to the 250 millimeters of rain that Hurricane Katrina brought to New Orleans in Louisiana in the United States in 2005." (source)
caused serious flooding in Metro Manila (submerged 80% of the area) and nearby provinces.
200+ reported dead. hundreds of thousands "displaced" (so far)
How you can help? Click the link and find out.
It's really very serious.
It never flooded in our place, ever. Even before when it rained for 3 days, non-stop. But now, it did. And the water even got inside our house which is at least a meter above the ground.
Let's all help&pray and pray&help, everyone.
I thank God that my family and friends are safe
but there's still alot of people out there waiting to be rescued.
So let's all pray for them.
and help those people in need by donating basic necessities.
I know I'm not in any way able to go home and help with the rescue operations going on and this is all I can do right now. But I hope this still helps.
"So, how old are you now?"
I pause.
"Errm. Seventeen.."
I'm getting older.
Older. Older.
I'm old.
I'm three years away from leaving teenage-hood for good.
(Ooh that rhymed)
I received less birthday wishes this year.
Sad :(
Might be because I changed my number last June so I lost other people's numbers?
I dunno. Maybe not.
But I'm still very really very thankful to everyone who wished me a happy birthday and those who sang birthday songs for me and those who gave me presents and those who even set up surprise parties for me (though they weren't very surprising, but still I was very touched awww) and simply to everyone who made me feel happy and warm and nice and special today (and yesterday, and the days prior to today) THANKS LOADS & I LOVE YOU ALL :)
and to those who didn't, make sure you'll get me extra special presents next year (and/or this coming Christmas >:D)
I really like getting notes. I like getting letters. They make me feel nice and special and loved especially when the message is touching (though it might sometimes be insulting at the same time)
It's also SNSD's HyoYeon's birthday today. Read about her fans putting up some large party for her on a Kpop blog. It would be really nice, being a celebrity like that. Your fangirls all over the world would be celebrating your birthday with you.
But then again, even if I'm not a famous Kpop star, I still have awesome friends who made sure that I had an awesome birthday. And I love them all for that. Aaaw.
My family arrived today (lol sounds like a parcel or sth)
I went out to have dinner with them.
Oh how I missed my dorky family. Yay. yay.
When God excessively blessed the Earth by letting an angel inhabit it.
Angel, me. Me. Okay? ME.
Source: http://kjpopbands.blogspot.com/2009/09/newsha-ji-won-fan-of-2pm-2ne1.html
“I’ve been keeping quiet for LONG ENOUGH! I set up this fan page as a friend of Jay. There is some few statement i need to clarify
1. Jay is being pressured to leave 2pm. I wouldnt use the word “forced” as “pressured” is more appropriate dont make me go in details on this.
2. MOST of the members of 2pm are quietly supporting on the boycott actions that K-hotties are doing now. One of the member told me WooYoung Cyworld message is to hint the Khotties to continue the boycott and fight for Jay, coz they (2pm members) also has been told not to back up Jay.
3. Jay’s wound is heeling on the previous days until JYP came out with another statement yesterday, which makes him fell into depression again. Please dont leaving message such as : JAY PLEASE COME BACk!. PROBLEM IS HE WANTS TO BUT HE CANT!
4. Friends like us has been helping him here and there hinting hottest that : Only fans can save Jay’s career now but it seems only 10% of the fans are paying attention on this. PLEASE READ THIS : ONLY FANS CAN SAVE JAY’s CAREER NOW!
5. Jay has been pouring all his hardwork for 4-5 years to become where he is standing now do you think he will give up coz of such matters and let everything go down the drain? He is really depressing now i chatted with him yesterday he even changed his display picture to an all dark screen. can u guys understand how he feels now?
6. Do you know how it feels..when you wan to tell the whole world about the truth but you just cant and all these is hurting you loved one? Im feeling VERY VERY HELPLESS thats why i am writing this.
7. and Yes, Jay has been reading all the comments in websites and all that you guys have been sending him and thats why he was able to feel better until the storm came yesterday. He was doubt about everything again. He is thinking of give up everything now. SO PLEASE HOTTEST, PLEASE TRY YOU BEST TO GET JAY BACK
8. Lastly, spread this.”
“I’ve been keeping quiet for LONG ENOUGH! I set up this fan page as a friend of Jay. There is some few statement i need to clarify
1. Jay is being pressured to leave 2pm. I wouldnt use the word “forced” as “pressured” is more appropriate dont make me go in details on this.
2. MOST of the members of 2pm are quietly supporting on the boycott actions that K-hotties are doing now. One of the member told me WooYoung Cyworld message is to hint the Khotties to continue the boycott and fight for Jay, coz they (2pm members) also has been told not to back up Jay.
3. Jay’s wound is heeling on the previous days until JYP came out with another statement yesterday, which makes him fell into depression again. Please dont leaving message such as : JAY PLEASE COME BACk!. PROBLEM IS HE WANTS TO BUT HE CANT!
4. Friends like us has been helping him here and there hinting hottest that : Only fans can save Jay’s career now but it seems only 10% of the fans are paying attention on this. PLEASE READ THIS : ONLY FANS CAN SAVE JAY’s CAREER NOW!
5. Jay has been pouring all his hardwork for 4-5 years to become where he is standing now do you think he will give up coz of such matters and let everything go down the drain? He is really depressing now i chatted with him yesterday he even changed his display picture to an all dark screen. can u guys understand how he feels now?
6. Do you know how it feels..when you wan to tell the whole world about the truth but you just cant and all these is hurting you loved one? Im feeling VERY VERY HELPLESS thats why i am writing this.
7. and Yes, Jay has been reading all the comments in websites and all that you guys have been sending him and thats why he was able to feel better until the storm came yesterday. He was doubt about everything again. He is thinking of give up everything now. SO PLEASE HOTTEST, PLEASE TRY YOU BEST TO GET JAY BACK
8. Lastly, spread this.”
I found the lol-est and most accurate definition of fangirling so far in my attempt to answer my senior, ate Regina's question "what is fangirling????"
All thanks to Urban dictionary, I was able to give her an almost-accurate-yet-doesn't-really-apply-to-everyone-but-is-still-somewhat-true answer.
Pardon my long hyphenated adjectives. -.-
All thanks to Urban dictionary, I was able to give her an almost-accurate-yet-doesn't-really-apply-to-everyone-but-is-still-somewhat-true answer.
Pardon my long hyphenated adjectives. -.-
So, here it is.
FANGIRLING.v. 1. the reaction a fangirl has to any mention or sighting of the object of her "affection". These reactions include shortness of breath, fainting, highpitched noises, shaking, fierce head shaking as if in the midst of a seizure,wet panties, endless blog posts, etc.
Oh, goodie goodie. Well, as for me, I only hyperventilate, shake and skip "as if in the midst of a seizure", make "highpitched noises" and blog about my fangirling fits.
No wet panties for me, thank you. That's just disturbing -.- :D
No wet panties for me, thank you. That's just disturbing -.- :D
I've been fangirling alot again lately.
Watched Hannah Montana the movie and Made of Honor consecutively two nights ago. Then I watched The Holiday the following morning.
aaaaah8D the dimples, the dimples!
Liked Lucas Till alot cos of his, quoting RC, "all-American boy charm" though Ankeeta and Asri might not completely agree since they believe that his face is not in proportion. But he's really very cute and charming. He makes the really cheesy nauseating lines seem sweet. Well, not really. Let's just say that it's easier to tolerate those corny lines because he's saying it; you can just get lost in his nice blue eyes and not care about the movie anymore. No wonder even Mrs. Logan found him cute XD
he's so dreamyyy. but yeah, he's old. still dreamy anyway XD
Fell in love with Patrick Dempsey. I've never watched Grey's Anatomy or any of his other tv shows or movies so I really knew nothing about him aside from the obvious fact that he's good-looking. So I watched Made of Honor and I loved him cos he's really cute and charming and his lines were funny and witty and he gave justice to his character and he's just so.. dreamy ^^ Even though his voice isn't manly low XD
looks + the British accent. yay. XD
And then came Jude Law. I've always liked Jude Law. He's hot, that's why. So I guess there's not much I can say about him.
dorky, dorky XD
Oh, yeah. I watched He's Just Not That Into You with Jesslyn last night and I liked Justin Long. Hah. He's really cute. Gigi and him looked cute together. 8D
aaaaaah, kawaii~
Oh, yeah. Even before watching all these movies, Kikita introduced Nickhun to me. And I fell in love. HAHA. I even made him a song ^^ Sounds like an obsessed fangirl much?
Anyway, yes. He's cute. And he's funny. I didn't really like him before. The first time Kikita showed me his photos, I found him cute. But after watching his videos and seeing how funny and dorky he is.. :D
I guess it's just really more convenient to fangirl.
The guy's not real - well he is but there's not a high possibility that you're ever going to meet him - so there's no chance of getting hurt. There's a sense of security that no matter how much you hyperventilate over the person, there's nothing you can lose and there's no way you can get hurt. Perhaps, perhaps, perhaps.
It's like having a Furby instead of a pet dog.
The Furby's way cuter though it doesn't really breathe and it can't really interact with you like a real pet can. But it won't die. And you won't ever cry over it cos it won't ever die. Sure, it can run out of battery. Your younger brother might smash it into pieces. But there really won't be any connection between the two of you and you can't love it the way you can love a real dog so you won't get attached to it too much and there wouldn't be any pain inflicted by its loss.
Too much run-on sentences there, yes. And even in this whole blog post.

Liked Lucas Till alot cos of his, quoting RC, "all-American boy charm" though Ankeeta and Asri might not completely agree since they believe that his face is not in proportion. But he's really very cute and charming. He makes the really cheesy nauseating lines seem sweet. Well, not really. Let's just say that it's easier to tolerate those corny lines because he's saying it; you can just get lost in his nice blue eyes and not care about the movie anymore. No wonder even Mrs. Logan found him cute XD
Fell in love with Patrick Dempsey. I've never watched Grey's Anatomy or any of his other tv shows or movies so I really knew nothing about him aside from the obvious fact that he's good-looking. So I watched Made of Honor and I loved him cos he's really cute and charming and his lines were funny and witty and he gave justice to his character and he's just so.. dreamy ^^ Even though his voice isn't manly low XD
And then came Jude Law. I've always liked Jude Law. He's hot, that's why. So I guess there's not much I can say about him.
Oh, yeah. I watched He's Just Not That Into You with Jesslyn last night and I liked Justin Long. Hah. He's really cute. Gigi and him looked cute together. 8D
Oh, yeah. Even before watching all these movies, Kikita introduced Nickhun to me. And I fell in love. HAHA. I even made him a song ^^ Sounds like an obsessed fangirl much?
Anyway, yes. He's cute. And he's funny. I didn't really like him before. The first time Kikita showed me his photos, I found him cute. But after watching his videos and seeing how funny and dorky he is.. :D
I guess it's just really more convenient to fangirl.
The guy's not real - well he is but there's not a high possibility that you're ever going to meet him - so there's no chance of getting hurt. There's a sense of security that no matter how much you hyperventilate over the person, there's nothing you can lose and there's no way you can get hurt. Perhaps, perhaps, perhaps.
It's like having a Furby instead of a pet dog.
The Furby's way cuter though it doesn't really breathe and it can't really interact with you like a real pet can. But it won't die. And you won't ever cry over it cos it won't ever die. Sure, it can run out of battery. Your younger brother might smash it into pieces. But there really won't be any connection between the two of you and you can't love it the way you can love a real dog so you won't get attached to it too much and there wouldn't be any pain inflicted by its loss.
Too much run-on sentences there, yes. And even in this whole blog post.
But I guess you see what I mean.
Hardcore mugging should have supposedly started last week.
It's been a week since last week but all the mugging I've done so far was answering a few revision papers.. and that's it.
The thing is, for me, the enthusiasm to study is only a spur of the moment thing.
One minute, I'm planning on starting mugging non-stop and I'm actually seeing myself working hard. But after a while, I go back to my usual slacker self and, well, slack off.
Mugging is just not my thing.
Studying IS my thing. But studying isn't enough.
Yes, there's a difference.
*highlight. delete*
I was gonna say something about examinations back home and here and how studying is so much more important than mugging but I thought of something and figured it's best to just not.
I guess a high standard of education simply requires a high level of examinations.
And in this world wherein change is inevitable and you'd just have to bloody deal with it, there's nothing much you can do but eat whatever is served to you on the platter.
I actually used bloody and I'm talkingof about food again.
I just typed "of" before realizing it should be "about" Dammit. My English is seriously dying. CPR, please. CPR.
But then there's just one thing to remember.
Adapt. Just adapt.
Not conform. Or at least completely conform.
This sucks. Everything sucks.
I hate everything! I hate everything!
Bipolar much?
Nahh, it's just PMS.
I'll be back when all of my deteriorated uterine lining's completely discharged.
It's been a week since last week but all the mugging I've done so far was answering a few revision papers.. and that's it.
The thing is, for me, the enthusiasm to study is only a spur of the moment thing.
One minute, I'm planning on starting mugging non-stop and I'm actually seeing myself working hard. But after a while, I go back to my usual slacker self and, well, slack off.
Mugging is just not my thing.
Studying IS my thing. But studying isn't enough.
Yes, there's a difference.
*highlight. delete*
I was gonna say something about examinations back home and here and how studying is so much more important than mugging but I thought of something and figured it's best to just not.
I guess a high standard of education simply requires a high level of examinations.
And in this world wherein change is inevitable and you'd just have to bloody deal with it, there's nothing much you can do but eat whatever is served to you on the platter.
I actually used bloody and I'm talking
I just typed "of" before realizing it should be "about" Dammit. My English is seriously dying. CPR, please. CPR.
But then there's just one thing to remember.
Adapt. Just adapt.
Not conform. Or at least completely conform.
This sucks. Everything sucks.
I hate everything! I hate everything!
Bipolar much?
Nahh, it's just PMS.
I'll be back when all of my deteriorated uterine lining's completely discharged.
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