WildWild Wet with RC.
It's been a helluva fun and retarded "weekend getaway"XD
I can't recall everything that happened and what we did the whole time we were there
[aside from the vividly traumatizing "cycling" around the trail which was some approximately 10 metres (I'm not really sure, though. But it was damn high, I tell you.)] above the ground.
Okaaay. I'll just leave it to RC to blog about the whole thing. Teehee8D

The-after-photo-but-the-skin-color-change-is-not-yet-so-evident photo.
By the lockers, before drying ourselvesXD

In the mrt.
Now the colour change's quite obvious.
I'ma ask RC for our pre-sunburn/tan shot for you to see the difference.
Got back at around 5pm.
Had an hour to bathe, get dressed and eat.
Had a tad of a hard time figuring out what to wear 'cause I was already in my shirts and pants when
(I think) Wongso told me that I need to wear something that's smart casual. So, yes. Hence, the sleeveless empresscut-ish top which I got as a gift from Mara and Bert 2 Christmases ago. I also borrowed Joceline's purple cardigan as I was feeling a bit exposed. Hahaha.
So we boarded the bus at around Iforgot pm and arrived at ACSI at around Ican'tremember pm.

In the ACSI auditorium.
Message to the people I camwhored with: Where? Where? Where are the photos?
Oh, yeah. We went to ACSI to watch FAME. This inter-hostel singing competition. To cut everything short, our hostel's representative bagged the 1st prize. Yeah, he was the champion. HAHA. Again, for a much more detailed recount, visit
RC's blog8D
So there.
I've now completely settled my schedule, btw.
To slack is on Saturdays and to mug is on Sundays.
Excpet for today as we spent most of the day in Vivo for church and shoppingXD
T'was fun.
Ten years from now, I'll look back and I'll say it was good.